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April 8, 2010: Introducing Dewey from Izzy+

Recently announcing a partnership with Izzy+ from the US, H2O Concepts is now offering educational products. Dewey from Fixtures Furniture (member of the Izzy+ family) is a new design that applies innovative thinking to lifelong learning in the office, in the classroom-and those inviting spaces in-between.

April 8, 2010: Introducing Dewey from Izzy+

Recently announcing a partnership with Izzy+ from the US, H2O Concepts is now offering educational products. Dewey from Fixtures Furniture (member of the Izzy+ family) is a new design that applies innovative thinking to lifelong learning in the office, in the classroom-and those inviting spaces in-between.

The best learning tools don’t just accommodate new teaching styles. They also inspire better approaches. Thats why Dewey, a complete collection of ready-to-roll tables with power/data troughs, mobile storage for wireless technology and freestanding bookcases, is listening, learning and leading in design for today’s and tomorrow’s learning environments.

Think social networking. Dewey’s tables, teacher’s Helpdesk, Lectern and Buddy help level the playing field for students and instructors with function, approachability and scalable power options. In particular, the teacher’s Helpdesk features easy access to technology and power connections. With aluminum frames and legs, and solid and wood-grain laminates, Dewey features more than 20 percent recycled content.