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The Office Exhibition 2011

H2O Concepts sponsored and participated in The Office Exhibition 2011. Moving and Guialmi, two of H2O Concepts major suppliers were present during the show.

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The Office Exhibition 2011  [01-06-2011]

H2O Concepts sponsored and participated in The Office Exhibition 2011. Moving and Guialmi, two of H2O Concepts major suppliers were present during the show.

BFE - MENA 2010  [06-12-2010]

November 22, 2010: Building Future Education Exhibition H20 Concepts joins forces with Izzyplus to take part in the BFE Exhibition in Abu Dhabi. BFE Mena is fully endorsed by the ABU DHABI EDUCATION COUNCIL (ADEC) and was an opportunity to showcase the best in educational products, resources and best practices with local and international industry experts.


April 21, 2010: Aeron demonstration at Dubai Chamber  [25-04-2010]

H2O Concepts supplied the Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry with 400 Aeron chairs from Herman Miller. H2O Concepts and Herman Miller partnered to demonstrate to employees on three floors how to use the Aeron chairs in an ergonomically correct way.  

April 8, 2010: Introducing Dewey from Izzy+  [08-04-2010]

Recently announcing a partnership with Izzy+ from the US, H2O Concepts is now offering educational products. Dewey from Fixtures Furniture (member of the Izzy+ family) is a new design that applies innovative thinking to lifelong learning in the office, in the classroom-and those inviting spaces in-between.

February 16, 2010: The Office Exhibition 2010  [16-02-2010]

H2O Concepts made a grand appearance at The Office Exhibition 2010. A number of suppliers were present including Nucraft, Guialmi, Office+Co, Wiesner Hager, and Moving. H2O Concepts was also pleased to announce their new partnership with Izzy+, a provider of higher educational solutions amongst other products. 



July 10, 2009: goes Live  [30-12-2008]

H2O Concepts launches a totally refreshed, more accessible and user friendly website. Better still, the dedicated in-house website team, will be regularly adding news, product details, case studies and images of the entire contract furniture collection. H2O Concepts decided to move forward with a simple, yet highly effective website, to serve clients and to continue to support the A&D community.

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